How to Build a Garden Room from Scratch
A garden can be a place where you can be one with your reflections or just lounge around to relax your body and mind. You may have ample space in your garden where a garden room will be perfectly situated. But if you don’t know where to start in building your garden room, read the tips below to guide you.
1. Planning
The first step in building a garden room from scratch is proper planning. You will get a good idea of where your garden room will be situated if you clear it out first by cleaning up clutter, trimming tall grasses, or pruning overgrown tree branches with a gas pole saw. Depending on the branches you need to prune, a pruning saw may be effective, but a pole saw would be much better for hard-to-reach branches. It will be easier to plan how big or small your garden room will be if the space is clean and clear from clutter.

2. Designing and Building the Frames
Design and build your garden room frames according to your plan. It is best to use a modular design where you can build the frames separately and assemble them after all frames are completed. You may want to create a mock design first, or a prototype, to ensure that the measurements of your frames are accurate.
Choose the appropriate timber type and other suitable materials depending on what you intend to use the garden room for. Treat all your frames with ample wood preservative if you are using softwood or timber. This is to strengthen the wood for your frames. Choose high-quality wood screws to ensure that the frames of your garden room are secure. Make a durable base to support the rest of the frames that will act as the room’s walls.
3. Assembly and Completion
You may need to make slight modifications as you assemble the frames to create your garden room. You may want to hang a DPC garden sheet onto a garden wall to inhibit unnecessary moisture, using a strong ridge beam in one of your garden room frames. You can use the same ridge beams as support for the roof panels of your garden room. When everything is assembled, you can proceed with painting your garden room in the colour of your choice. After that, all that is left to do is to design its interiors based on what it will be used for.
A garden room is perfect for several things, such as a place where you can read a book or sip your coffee. You can also build a garden office that can be used for your personal projects. Whatever you decide to use your garden room for, build it in a manner that makes you feel comfortable and, of course, according to your taste and preferences.